You Are Either In, Or You Are Out

I get that people want to have it all. I want it all. But having it all, at the expense of others, especially when they have less than you, really pisses people off. There will always be some people who will understand while others just won’t. This is what I mean.

Since Megxit has been on every channel, every waking hour I honestly don’t know how anyone could escape them. I have tried all day because I have had it, so have members of pretty much every country. During an interview a British citizen said, “They are either in or they are out (of the Royal Familly),” and I agree.

Life isn’t always pretty. It is what it is and that means it can be messy. We all have lumps and bumps and know a few chumps. Family is family. Not everyone is going to get along. Sure Megxit are more popular than most, but even now, as they say they want to be left alone from the press, they are pressing themselves into exactly what they say they don’t want. An example of this is Megan’s highly publicized visit to the women’s shelter a day after the Queen gave them her blessing. Megxit aren’t alone.

Doing something, or stating something only so you do not do it means you really didn’t want to do it in the first place. Maybe you really don’t know what you want or you are too scared to do it so you didn’t, keeping everyone including yourself in limbo. The last reason could be that you are really selfish and manipulating people gets you what you want.  A lot of people fall into that category. They want the good, not the bad. That’s easy. That’s inconveniently convenient for those you can’t decide if they are in or out. I say grow up.

You are either on a diet or you aren’t. You are either saving money, paying down debt or you aren’t. You are either dating someone or you aren’t. You are either working or you aren’t. You are either moving or you aren’t. You are either stop drinking or you aren’t. You are either going to rehab or you aren’t.

Life isn’t always pretty. It gets easier though if you are either in, or you are out. Make a decision and stick to it.

Thank you for reading, Behind The Blog!  ;D

Here a post from A. Rebel’s Rant,
