“These Are Really Difficult Times ….”

Life is strange, yet some days are stranger than others. This is what I mean.

In late August while I was waiting for the streetcar, my neighbour stopped by and gave me that day’s paper. Since all forms of transit are still taking longer than usual, someone else my neighbour and I knew stopped by to chat too. As we were talking, she said that she lost $50. When I suggested she get a handbag, she said, “They would just take it off me”. And she meant what she said. One or more people would take her handbag, riffle through it, take what they wanted, as she watched and then give it back to her. Her having a shopping bag gave the impression that she didn’t have anything of value. Then she complimented me on my handbag.

As all of us looked at it I wondered what impression I gave people. People think all kinds of things all of the time and most of what they think is wrong.

After the streetcar arrived and I settled into my seat, I read the paper my neighbour gave me. In it there was an article stating that Ireland Baldwin, daughter of Alec Badwin and Kim Basinger, was assaulted and robbed in a parking garage by a woman who was “high out of her mind” and “desperate” for cash.

On her Instagram account, Ireland states, “She decked me in my face in a parking lot and took my belongings and jumped in a getaway car while her husband took off,” Baldwin wrote, describing the situation. “All was sorted with the police and she was arrested. Luckily I had witnesses and got assisted really quickly.”

Baldwin added that she was told by police that incidents of similar nature have been occurring more frequently.

“People are desperate for money right now due to Coronavirus and people being out of work,” she wrote. “There is a lot of theft and muggings going down.”

She shared her experience in hopes of reminding her followers to be careful an aware of their surroundings. “These are really difficult times and we need to look out for one another,” she added.

These are really difficult times and they are, in my opinion, just going to get more difficult. People are desperate and the number of desperate people is constantly growing and it is not because of the pandemic. It is, in my opinion, their mindset.

Ireland was lucky that she had witnesses and received help shortly after, yet how many of will be that fortunate?

Please be mindful of your surroundings.

Here is a link to my blog from A. Rebel’s Rant. It is called, Are These Difficult Times? http://arebelsrant.com/are-these-difficult-times/

Thank you for reading, Behind the Blog!  ;D