So I Have Gained Some Weight. And?

I am okay with the weight I have gained. This is why.

For anyone who doesn’t know, I quit smoking just over four years ago. Since then I have gained somewhere between 17 to 21 pounds. Or about 5 pounds a year. Which is pretty good considering I am in my early 50’s. You know, the time when a majority of women gain weight. But I think the main reason I am okay with my weight gain is that not only am I still within the weight range for my height I also have a bit of wiggle room. Says the woman who now has to wiggle into a lot of her pants! Anyway….

Gaining weight did freak me out yet I know my body, my lifestyle. Cutting back on junk food and sugar was easier than starting to work out. Which I now do. Every day I try something new as I mix it in with the old stand-bys of sit ups and push ups. The pandemic has made going to a gym impossible so I have been doing whatever I can with what I have. But the thing is, I still like my body. And some of the guys that I know are really liking the extra weight too! Which was a pleasant surprise.

If my working out has me losing weight great. If not, I am okay with that too. Muscle weighs more than fat. As long as I am toned, not ripped, I am okay. I just want to be healthy. It is one way to fight off the coronavirus or anything else floating around. And health is the ultimate form of wealth. I need to take care of myself now. Or as they say, If I don’t make time for my wellness, I will be forced to make time for my illness. (Read that again.)

Health is the ultimate form of wealth so don’t take it for granted. Get out and walk even if it is just up the street. Try to eat well by cutting out the junk food and sugar. But if you have a Sunday morning like I did and have potato chips and chocolate for breakfast don’t be too hard on yourself. It happens.

Here is a link to A. Rebel’s Rant! Today’s blog is called, Would You Date During A Pandemic? 

Would You Date During A Pandemic?

Thank you for reading, Behind the Blog! ;D