Before COVID-19 and Now

It is only 143 days since January 1st, when 2020, was filled with hopes and dreams that were soon to be forever altered by COVID-

I don’t know about anyone else, but I had mapped out, planned 2020 in late November of 2019. Now most of my goals, like those of so many others are being reworked, sometimes daily.

Reading has gone from at least a book a week to pushing myself to finish a chapter. Apparently, I am not alone. For whatever reason, people are either reading a lot or they aren’t reading at all. Interestingly the closer we get to opening up the economy, the more I am starting to read.

One of the things I wanted to get done was declutter. I did alright for a while there, but it, just as cleaning has lost its appeal. The only reason I do either is because it has to be done. One day I accomplish everything on my list, the next day, not so much only to be followed by another productive day and then a day of pretty much nothing. Since life is going to get back to some level of normalcy, I am back at both with a bit more enthusiasm.

Hollywood North Toronto always has a slew of rumours. The ones to pay the most attention to are the ones in late-September, early-October, as they are great indicators of what the next year will hold. Until the pandemic, 2020 was supposed to be 30% busier than 2019, which was busier than 2018. Now everyone who directly and indirectly works in film in North America is waiting to here when we will get back to work. So much for a great year and being busier than ever. Paris has restarted production in the last few days while South Korea has been filming for a few weeks now. The rumours for Hollywood North Toronto are that we should be staring up in late-August to early -September. Unfortunately, Hollywood North Toronto will never be the same.

At some point in late 2019, I decided I wanted to date again. I have been secretly qualifying men for the last few months. With COVID-19 shutting everything down I have really thought about who I could like enough to want to get to know better but I still come up empty. For now, I am going to keep qualifying men and eventually one will pique my interest.

Hang in there everyone, life may not be what we knew it, yet life is always what we make of it.

Here is a link to Behind the Blog. It is called, Are You Serious? May 2020,

Are You Serious? May 2020

Thank you for reading, Behind the Blog.